Text messaging has entered our professional life due to fast and simple ways to keep in touch with the colleagues. Although texting is a fast and informal way for contact, crossing its usage can cross the personal conduct with evanescent misunderstandings or not very good characters.
This article will discuss the dos and don’ts of business and professional texting etiquette. Adhering to these sets of rules would ensure that by no means do your text messages cross professionalism and would only add value to effective communications.
The dos’ of professional texting
Clear communications
In the world of professional texting, clarity is paramount. When sending text messages related to work matters, always strive to communicate your message in a straightforward and concise manner.
Avoid using unnecessary jargon or convoluted language that may confuse the recipient. Rather, be direct and come straight to the point. For example, if you want to schedule a meeting, a direct message such as “Can we meet tomorrow at 10 AM?” is better than “We should meet up soon.”
Maintain proper grammar and punctuation
Proper grammar and punctuation should not be thrown out of professional texting. Maintain it on the high by avoiding mistakes such as over-abbreviating words, delivering statements that are incomplete, or maybe spelling words incorrectly.
Proper punctuation, capitalization and spelling show professionalism as well as attentiveness to detail. For instance, when one message reads, “The report is due tomoro. I’ve done my part,” the other reads, “report due tmrw, i did my part.”
Respect timing and availability
In professional texting, the most important thing that is considered is timing. Therefore, never text when the recipient cannot be able to access mobile or after working hours unless emergency based. In a global context, consider the time zones of those on the receiving ends of the text messages as well.
Texting at the wrong times may distract the respondents and they may not be able to respond to your message in time. Be understanding and text them at their workplaces so that you do not interfere with their private hours.
Professional language
Do keep your tone professional when sending text messages not to look ridiculous at the workplace. Avoid all those casual or slangy phrases typical for making personal conversations, but for sure not professional ones.
Avoid using over-friendly greetings when targeting your colleagues and superiors, but do include the respective titles for all. Keep the content of your messages always respectful and professional. For instance, replace “Hey, what’s up?” with “Hello, may I inquire about the update on the project?”
The don’ts of professional texting
No Abbreviations and Slang
While in a casual text conversation many slang and other abbreviations may be highly excusable, in professional texting it is still a strict no-zone for them. Avoid with shortcuts like “OMG,” “LOL,” or “BRB.”
Write into complete words and phrases to keep the level of formality and professionalism intact. Using abbreviations may lead to giving a completely unprofessional point of view and might also lead to a few misunderstandings as well in any professional scenario. Strive to be clear in your text messages.
Avoid overusing emojis and emoticons
Emojis and emoticons can add some creative flair to your messages, but they should seldom be used formally. The excessive usage of emojis can add a light tone of our messages and they may appear unprofessional. Emojis should be used during light topics or friendly message sharing, rather reduced during serious talks or professional conversations.
Remember, not all receivers may receive emojis on the same perception platform and hence use them judiciously so as to avoid scope of potential miscommunication.
Avoid texting long texts
One of the foundational mantras of professional texting is avoiding long texts and sticking to a few words. Do not text long essays or block paragraphs over text. If nature of a topic needs deeper discussion, explanation should take through email, not planning to discuss in details over phone or in person during a meeting.
When the line between the personal and professional worlds does exist, long text messages are always hard to wade through, where important information gets lost in a mush of text. Do show respect for your colleagues’ attention and time by keeping your text exchange short and sweet.
Don’t send conflicting messages
It is important to draw a thin line between your personal and business-related text messages. You do not want to tempt the fates by mixing them up as it can go haywire and embarrass you before your co-workers.
For texts that have personal problems, therefore, take care not to even involve your current employer and keep them out of your professional life. When you do this, it will be easy to maintain respect for your workplace.
Special considerations
Urgent problems
There are occasions when you might need to convey a sense of urgency, through text chat in professional settings. But, at times, the whole essence of professionalism has to be weighed back again. Let the sense of urgency be driven by your message without necessarily displaying panic using some highly dramatic language when it comes to these urgent matters.
Let her know that the home situation has changed, and they would appreciate a quick reply. For instance, other phrases that she can apply in order to show that she is passing an important text without raising alarm include “time-sensitive” or “urgent request.”
Replying to Texts
Professionally, it shows respect and efficacy of replying to text messages immediately. Confirmation of the messages will be done immediately upon reception of the message even if you want some time so as to give a comprehensive reply.
If one wouldn’t be immediately able to address the issue, let the sender know when you would be able to give a more detailed response. Quick and polite replies maintain professional relations and move things smoothly in an office environment.
Learn the art of professional texting etiquettes since it is central for work environments interdependent nowadays. With adherence to the dos and don’ts shared, you will be able to contribute effective and helping text messages towards a respectful communication.
Professionalism exhibits itself via clear and succinct messaging, using proper grammar as well as respectful timing while a sense of boundaries is expressed by avoiding abbreviations, excessive emojis, and personal mixing.
Stick to these guidelines and you will have all set yourself up for navigating the world of professional text communication confidently and with grace.